
See also: Google Scholar, DBLP, Researchmap

Refereed Journals and Conferences

Refereed Workshop

  • Maximally Invariant Data Perturbation as Explanation [ArXiv]

    with Satoshi Hara, Kouichi Ikeno, and Takanori Maehara

    ICML Workshop on Human Interpretability in Machine Learning (WHI), 2018


  • Algebraic combinatorial optimization on the degree of determinants of noncommutative symbolic matrices [ArXiv]

    with Hiroshi Hirai, Yuni Iwamasa, Taihei Oki

    ArXiv, 2023.

  • Optimal algorithms for group distributionally robust optimization and beyond [ArXiv]

    with Khashayar Gatmiry, Stefanie Jegelka

    ArXiv, 2022.

  • Statistical Learning with Conditional Value at Risk [ArXiv]

    with Yuichi Yoshida

    ArXiv, 2020.


  • 組合せ最適化から機械学習へ: 劣モジュラ最適化とグラフマイニング (From Combinatorial Optimization to Machine Learning: Submodular Optimization and Graph Mining) [Publisher]

    with Kaito Fujii, Atsushi Miyauchi,

    SAIENSU-SHA Co.,Ltd, 2022.



  • Master thesis: “Faster Deterministic Algorithms for Matrix Completion Problems,”

    Kyoto University, 2013, supervised by Satoru Iwata.

    Operation Research Society Japan Student Paper Award (第31回日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会学生論文賞)

  • Doctoral dissertation: “Submodular and Sparse Optimization Methods for Machine Learning and Communication,”

    Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo, 2016, supervised by Satoru Iwata.

    Graduate School Distiguished Doctoral Thesis Award (情報理工学系研究科研究科長賞)