Tasuku Soma (相馬 輔)

Hi! I am an associate professor in the Institute of Statistical Mathematics and the Graduate Univerisity for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI, Tokyo, Japan.

Previously, I was a JSPS postdoctoral fellow in the department of mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where I was fortunate to be mentored by Michel Goemans. Before MIT, I was a research associate and a Ph.D student in the University of Tokyo, where I had the privilege of being mentored and supervised by Satoru Iwata.

📧 Email:

🚪 Room: D607B

📄 Curriculum Vitae: [PDF] [日本語(researchmap)]

  • 📣 リサーチアシスタント募集中

    JSTさきがけ「未来数理科学」領域 の研究課題において研究補助員(RA)を募集しています.研究成果の最適化アルゴリズムをPythonライブラリ化する補助のお仕事です.興味のある方は,上記のメールアドレスまでお気軽にお問い合わせください.

Research Areas

Combinatorial Optimization ∩ Machine Learning

  • Submodular optimization and its applications in machine learning

  • Linear algebra in combinatorial optimization and algorithm design

  • Convex optimization, online learning, and compressed sensing


Notes (in Japanese)

Teaching (in Japanese)